Gagosian Gallery
THE EVIL OF BANALITY – Rachel Feinstein at Gagosian

THE EVIL OF BANALITY – Rachel Feinstein at Gagosian

Times change. In 1963, Hannah Arendt famously wrote about Adolf Eichmann and the “banality of evil”; in 2018 we get artist Rachel Feinstein exploring the evil of banality. It’s not just that the pieces at Secrets, her latest show at Gagosian, are banal, they’re...

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Walton Ford’s Natural History for California Dreamers

Walton Ford’s Natural History for California Dreamers

I’ve always thought the human preoccupation with borders and perimeters had more to do with its relationship with animal wildlife (not that humans have ever exactly been ‘tame’). I realize I’m speaking a bit off the top of my head – I’ve never done any serious...

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Refresh the screen:  Anthony Caro at the Gagosian Gallery

Refresh the screen: Anthony Caro at the Gagosian Gallery

File this under ‘better too late than never’ (i.e., of a piece with the story of my life).  You have only two days to see this show; but if you’re in the Beverly Hills vicinity, I encourage you to run to it.  This is a fabulous, albeit extremely compact, show in the...

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