Sept/Oct 2015


Highlights Include:


William Powhida, Relational Wall, Watercolor, colored pencil, and graphite on panel, 40” x 60”, 2009, Courtesy of Raymond Learsy and Melva Bucksbaum

(Un)Reliably Ranking MFA Education 

And Does Anyone Really Care?

More than any other MFA programs in Southern California—there are in excess of a dozen—CalArts and UCLA have long been associated with art super-stardom. Whether… Read More 

Jud Fine with his 'poles.' Photo by Eric Minh Swenson.

The Accidental Artist 

Catching the Wave of Conviction: Jud Fine's Philosophy & Pedagogy

Just blocks from Venice Beach near Appleton Way I’m wandering down an alley, trying to find Jud Fine’s studio. Over the cell he tells me…Read More 

Illustration by Alissa Yang

Yale Pit Crit 


At the Yale School of Painting and Printmaking there is a pit. They called it a pit. There were discussions in the pit and they… Read More