Dear Reader
The number 13 is usually considered to be a sign of misfortune, but when you land on it in an unexpected way it can sometimes feel lucky. This September marks Artillery’s 13th year. It seems like a long time, especially for a magazine in this century.

When my late husband and I started Artillery, word on the street was that print media was dying. We preferred to ignore the evidence, refusing to accept that magazines were no longer a part of people’s daily lives. The shift into digital was inevitable, but couldn’t we have both?

It turns out that you can. We’re still here and print is indeed still thriving. Of course we have a vibrant website and social media platform—who could survive without Instagram today? Longevity is great, but it also seems like it’s time for a change. So this September we have adopted a new look. Oddly enough, our new logo isn’t very different to our first one. Our editorial inside pages have more room to breathe, and with the new matte paper you’ll see a difference in the richness of color and texture, adapting a more modern feature to go with our new design. Kudos to Bill Smith, our creative designer, for taking it to the next level, and making a strong case for print in this very digital age. Nowhere on any of your devices will you be able to experience the tactile aesthetic of well-designed page layout that you can hold in your hands and read. There’s just nothing quite like a good centerfold.

With our new look, another change has come about. We bid farewell to our Associate Editor Christopher Michno. He was a strong editor with principles and dedication. We will miss him, but he plans to continue contributing to Artillery and his new venture will keep him securely in the art world. At the same time, I would like to welcome Emily Wells as our new associate editor. She has written features for us, and also has a blog on our website called Art Monster. She will bring a fresh sensibility to the magazine with new writers and new ideas. Expect to notice her mark in the coming issues.

September is always a big month for magazines, and art publications are no exception. The fall season in the art world means all new shows for the upcoming year have been assigned and sealed (for the most part). Artists are busy meeting deadlines while gallery assistants are booking art fairs. All the group shows have been played out and the BBQs are fewer.

As the evening air starts to chill and the days grow shorter, a wistfulness comes over me. I’m not gonna lie: it will be a year since my husband died. He was so much part of the magazine, that it would feel insincere not to mention what another year really and truly means to me. It means it’s been a year that Charlie has been gone.

I somehow got through a whole year of continuing the magazine with a lot of help from my friends and co-workers. I’ve had guest editors chip in and somehow we got through it together, and I’m not saying that flippantly. I look forward to this new season of art, as my last year was a blur. I hope that some of the art will be able to cut through that fog, and judging from what’s to come, there seems to be some hope. Maybe the number 13 could just be a lucky number after all.