John Altoon couples his relaxed, entirely convincing painterly hand with a flippant disregard for norms whether social, societal or artistic. His retrospective at LACMA cavorts, galumphs and saunters through a wide variety of styles, approaches and modes of...
Renee Petropoulos
The Los Angeles Museum of Art is a DIY structure approximately 100 square-feet situated in the corner of a paved yard in Eagle Rock. Founded and run by the artist Alice Könitz, LAMOA continues in the long line of LA-based artist-run spaces that crop up regularly but...
Peter Fischli and David Weiss
Fischli and Weiss are up to some elaborate shenanigans. Walking in from the street, under the severe brow created by the Ellsworth Kelly block style building-remake of the Matthew Marks Gallery façade, a viewer might think that they were accidentally let in between...
Lynn Aldrich
The art of Lynn Aldrich celebrates and extrapolates on the ordinary. She focuses on objects from the world of everyday life to both transform them structurally and insinuate a sense of larger mysteries. She takes utensils and garden-variety household items and through...
The Palatine Hill, and the Roman Forum beneath it, is a marvelous place to visit if just for the archeology and history. Now a viewer can see how contemporary artists interact with these ruins on a large scale. The exhibition “Post Classici,” curated by Vincenzo...
The Encyclopedic Palace
“The Encyclopedic Palace,” Massimiliano Gioni’s tour de force at the center of the 55th Biennale di Venezia, is an amazing show about fixations, obsessions, the passions of desire and the transformative capacity of the mind's eye. It is a wonderfully vast array of...
Rebecca Ripple
At the core of Rebecca Ripple’s practice is the question of historical authority and traditional truths—who sets the stage for what truth means and how it gets enforced. In past works, she has examined the bounds of Catholicism, the issue of constraining the female...
Michael Light
Michael Light has been shooting photographs of the western U.S. landscape for over 20 years. They are generally taken from a small light airplane that he flies himself, and explore the majesty of these vast and variegated lands, creating dense patterns akin to...