I Could Have Written That
By John Tottenham
Like you, I am tired
of my own voice,
these incessant I’s and me’s.
But what’s the alternative?
I don’t have the audacity
to employ another he or she
or We. Nothing could be worse,
psycholinguistically, than that sententious
and presumptuous first person plural,
which despite its unifying intentions,
seems to have an effect
that is entirely exclusionary.
By William Minor
The Lovers
A man’s face may indicate
a tendency towards despair,
but it may also indicate a tendency
towards nothing in particular.
Sometimes a woman falls in love
with a man with this face.
The Building
A mental hospital is just a building,
and a woman is just a person sitting in
a building.
The Drawing
There are men who like to draw
and there are women who like to look
at wagons.
The Journey
It is easy to imagine
a spiritual journey
lacking in grandeur.