Original art on view and for sale all weekend. Support your favorite artists, (and ours) by adding to your collection or giving a great gift of art. Artsits confirmed include: DabsMyla, Kellesimone Waits, Sam Kalda,
Gary Baseman, Albert Reyes, CatGods, Karen Fiorito, Paul Koudounaris, Robble Conal, John E. Miner, Rob Reger, Dan Reeder, Bob Motown, Evelyn Suttle, Ryan Colditz, Tadeusz Torzecki, Stephanie Inagaki, Michelle Waters, Pascale Salmon and Caitlin Hackett. Friday, Nov 3, 7- 10 Art Opening, Saturday, Nov 4, 11-4 Crafts with Kittens, 5-7, Cocktails and Comedy Poetry Slam Sunday, Nov 5, Coffee with Kittens. More info and updates at Kittybungalow.org/art-show.