COVID-19 Mask Contest

by | May 7, 2020

Inspired by @yrurari‘s mask we saw on Instagram, we called LA artists to submit their own mask creations. Submissions were either designed as a workable COVID-19 mask for daily use or as a creative endeavor at home while another face covering was used for safety outside of the home. We were thrilled and entranced by the entries. The level of craftsmanship and thought was beautiful to see during a difficult time for the magazine and the world. It seems that LA artists have not let the pandemic stop their work, if anything it is even stronger and more concentrated.  We know it is a cliché, but our Editor in Chief truly had a difficult time choosing. Below are the winners and all entries. The two winners win a 2-year subscription to Artillery, exposure on our weekly newsletter and on our social media channels, and of course, mention on our website. 
Thank you to the artists who graciously shared their mask art with us and for the hundreds of Artillery Instagram followers and Facebook fans who “Liked” the entries and who spread the word about the contest. Please follow us on Instagram at @artillery_mag. 
Be careful out there and enjoy all the glorious mask art below. 
—Anna Bagirov, Publisher





MARISSA MAGDALENA, @marissamademe





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