Since the self-isolation began, I’ve been seeing variations on the joke: “introverts have been preparing for this their whole lives.” One might well surmise that a column about things to watch in your bunker could come in handy about now. Since many of our readers may have just taken a financial hit, I have pulled up five of my recent columns that you can watch on YouTube. I’ll be doing more research on older columns to see which films got posted on free services. Here are a few to get your bunkering off to a start.

Butch Queen Vogue Fem category at the SYFY Ball, Paris Ballroom TV, 2016

#1 I recently wrote about the mainstreaming of voguing, beyond the community where it started  This Youtube channel is hours of fun on this topic:


Propaganda (North Korea Documentary)

#2 A New Zealand prankster made a film that was purported to have been smuggled out of North Korea. Read the column here and watch it onYoutubehere:

Burning Hell mail order DVD cover

#3 The Burning Hell is an accidental 60’s underground film made by an earnest church group. Read about it here and watch it here:

Penny Arcade Bad Reputation cover

#4 Penny Arcade is a force of nature. She is documenting the disappearing underground scene in New York. watch an amazing interview with her here:

Eva & Adele Gesamtkunstwerk (2015)

#5 Eva & Adele invented their own gender in 1989. Read about them here: and watch the documentary about them here: