Black Book Sessions 25th Event
Black Book Sessions 25th Event
August 19, 2017
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

1339 E. 120th Street , Los Angeles CA 90059


Los Angeles, CA – Join the Teens from Peace4Kids this Saturday, August 19th as they invite you to #BringForthYourInnerSuperhero. Co-hosted with Black Book Sessions 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we’ve partnered together to bring you this FREE community event for young aspiring artists and their families.

Peace4Kids “Theory of Change”: Superheroes often share a history of trauma or the loss of their parents. Feeling isolated & alone, they hide their super powers. Similarly, youth in foster care are linked by a shared experience of trauma and loss & they too have developed super powers. Empathy, loyalty, perceptivity & adaptability-just to name a few. Lets embrace our strengths with the P4K Teens & bring forth your inner SUPER HERO!

Join us at the arts & crafts booth to create your own personal super hero cape (based on your strengths) or GO BIG and submit your artwork into the BBS art contest for your chance at swag, prizes and even scholarships! Ages 9-23 years old can enter the art contest by bringing an already finished piece of artwork to the art registration booth before 3:30pm at the day of the event. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners will be announced; per the specific age categories.

This fun-filled day is packed with music, teen led talent show, live performances, live art, giveaways, food, recyclable arts-n-crafts, sponsor booths and Q & A workshops with art industry leading mentors. Each Black Book Session is offered as a free event and made possible by in-kind donations of supplies, time, and financial contributions. Our success, over the past years, has been shared with many great contributors. Our goal is to mentor young talented artists, provide internship opportunities and award college grants and/or scholarships. Together, we can make a difference in our local communities by empowering and inspiring young talent. All are welcome, bring your friends and family; this event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!

For more details go to:

1339 E. 120th Street , Los Angeles CA 90059

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