The Conspiracy of Art: Part I; a prelude or forward

Entering the Bendix Building, at which Chateau Shatto is located (“[on] the 10th floor,” the security guard kindly reminds me, without my telling him which gallery I am looking for), one feels momentarily transported to New York, or some other city; the symbols of a performed gallery triggered. Ambiguous signage, a dark hall, an elevator that opens to bright lights and raucous laughter. Thinking of Jean Baudrillard, whose exhibition opened last Friday evening, one considers the markers for a gallery visit and it is an uncanny moment when Baudrillard, father of Simulacra & Simulation, perpetuates this performed art viewing experience. Such is The Conspiracy of Art, so aptly titled.

Installation view of The Conspiracy of Art: Part I

The irony not lost on an academic crowd, quite typical for Chateau Shatto, comprised of artist Chris Lux and Soho House Collections Manager Barnie Page, to name a few. I chat with founding director, Olivia Barrett, who is fresh off the fair circuit having participated in Condo London, both Frieze Los Angeles and Felix, closely followed by Art Basel Hong Kong. It is evident to see the gallery is both thriving and growing, gaining two new team members this year.

Olivia Barrett, Founding Director of Chateau Shatto

The exhibition of thought-provoking, theory-laden photographs is only the precursor to a group exhibition set to take place in the Fall of this year which will be composed of works that touch upon on the ideas of Baudrillard’s book. The theory-based groundwork for an exhibition I very much look forward to seeing; Part I sets a critical tone for exciting programming throughout the year.

Installation view of The Conspiracy of Art: Part I

Jean Baudrillard’s The Conspiracy of Art: Part I is on view at Chateau Shatto through May 25th.