Matthew Chambers
Refuge from the Inferno:  L.A.’s Best Summer Group Shows

Refuge from the Inferno: L.A.’s Best Summer Group Shows

‘What is it with dudes and trees?’ I wonder for a second as I’m about to put this up on-line—thinking more about Shakespeare’s pastoral romantic comedy than the cool oasis of a summer group show René-Julien Praz has curated at Praz-Delavallade’s L.A. premises. (Though...

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Various Small Fairs – Art Los Angeles Contemporary, 2016

Various Small Fairs – Art Los Angeles Contemporary, 2016

I think we can all agree that there are too many art fairs. We could almost stretch that to say there are too many fairs, period. We generate too many products – most of them of an astonishingly brief life-span, and worth still less of anyone’s attention; and consume...

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