The slapdash brushwork of Gabriel Madan’s work suggests a personal but ultimately fleeting investment in his subjects. The style and content are both Pop but not too Pop - an oddball mix of semi-famous celebrities and obscure kitsch. By loosely hand-painting...
Gabriel Madan

Tottenham Corner
I awoke at dawn, fuming. I had been having a drink with an actor friend the night before when he dropped the news on me that his buddy, "Josh," whose latest movie he had appeared in, wanted to “do something.” “He’s a great guy,” I was assured, “very funny.” The bar we...

On The Wag
Well, it seems to me that with all this talk about who or who will not be merging with MOCA, the question ought to be: When is New York City slicker Jeffrey Deitch getting the hell out of Dodge? Because judging by the all cowboys and cowgirls at Richard Prince’s...