Remarks on Color: Insouciant Indigo
November's Hue

by | Nov 3, 2022

Insouciant Indigo doesn’t care. In other words, he simply does not give a rat’s ass about anything or anybody. A lifetime of ever darkening dreams has laid him low once and for all. To add insult to injury he’s never been popular with the ladies, being mostly cheerless, sad, and constantly brooding. He’s not good at a party, hunched in one corner of the room, and listening to Mahler on his headphones while around him people eat, drink, mingle and laugh. Insouciant Indigo HATES laughter, and most days he can barely stomach a smile. Children are out of the question as he doesn’t care what they put in their mouths, or how many pieces of candy they got on Halloween.

Truly a kill joy, Insouciant Indigo has no interest in traveling to foreign places, nor is he interested in the tapestry of lives he might encounter if ever inspired to leave his living room. He simply does not acknowledge that there might be another kind of existence somewhere else. There is even a sign on his front lawn emblazoned with the bold (and for some offensive) proclamation, “Frankly Scarlet I don’t Give a Damn!” from the iconic Gone with the Wind.

Insouciant Indigo spends his nights walking the streets of New Orleans, seeking his own uncaring reflection in various storefront windows. Stopping at each he thinks to himself, “why the fuck am I standing here?” And/or “Really, I am completely disinterested in the crap that all these people are selling, and I’d much rather be eating a bagel!” And so, off he goes early on a Sunday morning to the local bagel shop where he has no attachment to any of the assorted flavors presented there – strawberry, blueberry, everything, onion, cheese and jalapeño – each one holds its specific allure, yet none appear that enticing because in the end, who cares! Best to go with plain and be done with it.


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