In this expansive group show featuring the works of 18 artists, curator Lekha Jandhyala creates a strange, almost dystopian environment, both primordial and futuristic, of works that imply destruction and rebirth; in dialogue with each other, Ragini Bhow’s floor sculpture Bones left behind and Shana Hoehn’s wall sculpture Pike feature bodily forms, materially similar in their uses of ash and wood pulp. The former appears like the dragged, powdered remnants of a fanged animal, and the latter presents a folded female emerging from the neck of a bird. The works in the following room ground the works in reality, turning to urban landscapes and technology, such as Sayre Gomez’s huge painting of an eroding building, and Monira al Qadiri’s altered footage of machines racing camels. As a whole, the show offers a loose narrative that is supernatural and unnerving.
On view through September 9, 2023