Titled “Maps Necessary for a Walk in 4D,” Cynthia Hawkins’ show of new, bright and abstract paintings explores the idea of space-time, a subject the artist has considered in her work since the 1970s—lines cutting through the picture plane almost appear as aerial views of streets, or slivers of another painting beneath the first layer. Studies in both color and composition, her vibrant works create dimension by experimenting with translucency, pairing oranges with yellows, greens and blues, and rich navy with deep purples and burnt umber. The maps are punctuated with either frenetic lines or circles, her precise, angled lines conveying a speed and her circles evoking lightness and buoyancy. Each work depicts its own space and movement, acting as exploratory and meditative guides.
Cynthia Hawkins: “Maps Necessary for a Walk in 4D”
STARS Gallery
3116 N El Centro Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90028
On view through March 16, 2024