Politically Inspired Art: Call for Entries Extended
Last week’s online political art exhibition was a hit! (Click here to see the exhibition.) However, I failed to put a deadline on the call for entries and I’m still getting submissions. So we’re going to do Part 2 next week. Here’s the info, this time with a deadline:
Call for entries for political art, i.e., art you are making as a direct result of how politics is affecting you. The work doesn’t have to be overtly political. Here are the requirements:
- Send entries to janechafinsblog@gmail.com.
- Limit one image per artist.
- Format must be jpeg, 72dpi, 10mgs or less. Larger files will be deleted.
- Artist’s name, title, year, medium, size.
- (optional) A brief statement (100 words or less) about how making the work was affected by politics.
- By submitting, you grant permission for the work to be posted on Jane Chafin: Offramp if chosen.
- Deadline Tuesday, March 7, midnight.
Thanks! See you next week.
Cross-posted from Jane Chafin: Offramp
Email: janechafinsblog@gmail.com