by , | Mar 17, 2025

The Sublime and The Beautiful Revisited

Ascending even lower

into the empyrean of autonomy,

believing one’s own lies, the beauty

that should only be seen

through somebody else’s eyes.

A pointless exercise,

no purpose does it serve:

tracking one’s moves, getting

on one’s own nerves.

But how can life otherwise be lived

without these airless flights:

descending ever higher

into the abyss

of self-conscious solitude.

—John Tottenham

Jimmy Komma’s Seven-Part Fire Diary Part 0

Yea, I will be speaking on the fires but first
I need to visit the pale parts of them,
still untouched by the toxic sun, to breed
with them under uninhabitable ozone layers
of our westside sky.

Yea, before I pick up a pen,
I need a lop-breasted angora sweater
in a South Pasadena jazz bar
with the crazed eyes of one who just moved here,
who has never seen Casablanca,
who has no connection to Calabasas,
who plays bass, has a worked-on face,
and sits now across the jazz bar,
under the red lights of my Last Unburnt Los Angeles Place.

I’ll get to the fire, yea…
Shit, I even know who lit the match.
But first, I need to secure some South Pas snatch.
And failing that,
A double-double at In-N-Out,

—Jimmy Komma


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