"shift work" by Evan Evans; "Enduring Romance" by John Tottenham

by | Jul 12, 2022

shift work 

twin heads pillow 

moments away 

only seats left in the front

the forgiving distortion

the forgetting of plot

so grateful

that the light should bow

to take the shape of your mouth

a movie where she’s

so tired

from watching him


all day

—Evan Evans


Enduring Romance

There was a time when you were charmed

by my lunging, and when I found your ignorance 

more endearing. But that was long ago, 

when love was new and our every precious moment 

felt like sunlight glittering upon the edge 

of a gently breaking wave. Now closeness 

means chaos, and every dreaded moment 

brings me closer to my grave.

Where does all this clumsy thrusting end?

Half-mad, greedily sucking on the
desecrated manhood 

of the absentee father; desire meets boredom halfway 

in a stalemate of discontent, a deep and selfish love 

that can only thrive in a moist environment.

—John Tottenham


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