Silicon Valley
A cloud is the earth displaced for tracks of cable underground, underwater
A stream is the friction between content and a beckoning hand
To kindle is to adjust the climate dial in a server farm
An antenna is the arc of pesticide as it is sprayed from a plane
A bug is the noise emitted by neon signs
A web is the section of sky covered by a billboard
A nest is the time elapsed between waking and sensing an advertisement
An echo is the decomposition rate of post-consumer technological products
An amazon is the unprocessed pulp for one holiday’s supply of shipping boxes
An apple is the leaked transcript of a board meeting
A seed is one black redaction mark
To phish is when a red tree blooms in the warmest recorded January
A story is what disappears after 24 hours underground, underwater
Memory is less expensive each year
Memory is the sound a forest makes as it is felled
Memory is the thing that waits for room to grow
—Rhiannon McGavin
Vanity in Vain
To give up or give in,
to cease to take solace in
the things that I take solace in,
and give in to wanting
what everybody else wants.
That way lies ruin.
As vain, in vain, and unrewarding
as it’s been, the losing battle
I’ve chosen still beats the alternatives.
There’s no way out now, no return
to the collective dream.