by | Mar 30, 2017

To host a free evening of jazz in the center of Union Station’s Historic Ticketing Hall is a testament that a Renaissance is alive and kicking in Los Angeles. Projected into a journey of utter cosmic symphonic bliss, Josef Leimberg and The Astral Progressions Ensemble took us to a place where we questioned the authenticity of reality as we all forgot where we were—or was it the warm dim lighting?

Seats fill as confused passersby traveling to their destinations came to watch the wonder and cathartic blending of the music being birthed. Heidi, one of the program heads of Metro Art Presents speaks to us about its program being in its fourth season this July and invites multi-talented trumpeter, Josef Leimberg to christen the acoustics for the 2017 calendar.

And christen he did. Leimberg fills the high ceilings with his piercing cognitive notes as we get lost in thought and release our pent-up anxieties collectively harboring from the macro level of current events. A natural meditative vibe mimicking the rhythm breeds contagion of unrelenting breakage—not even Somali sister pop duo Faarrow, and Andrea Miller curator of “One Peace Art Show,” were able to break away. The audience’s clapping ensures the expectation prophesied through all musical boundaries and felt like we were in La Planète Sauvage, dropping off into uncharted magic.


Matt Little was guiding us through a celestial melody when the aggressive honking from the nearby parking lot jolted us from our trance. Reactionary laughter commenced, reminding us of the era we all live in but what light-heartedness still surrounds.



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