Michael Deyermond is an artist’s artist, making stuff that makes him happy, and us too, albeit for the fact that some of the sentiments here are darkly appealing and often self-reflexive. This is not art that begs to be loved at the expense of much needed content, but rather art that speaks with humor and intelligence to the often difficult experience of being alive and creative in a culture that does not value imagination. His penguin series if particularly persuasive with accompanying prescient phrases like “California Let Me Down,” with her sun-drenched beaches and artery clogging highways, yet the “dream” lives on.
Craig Krull Gallery
2525 Michigan Avenue, Building B-3
Santa Monica, California 90404
Show runs through July 11, 2015
What is this? Criticism? People magazine? You get paid to right 4 sentences? And why do you write 2/3 of all of the “reviews”? Sad state of art and criticism.