Matt Saunders at Blum & Poe

by | Apr 24, 2014

Matt Saunders 

at Blum & Poe

Pool (Heat) Version 1, 2014

Pool (Heat) Version 1, 2014

In the Hindu language of Sandskrit the word shanti means the perfect calm. Matt Saunders’ images bring this kind of quietude to mind, and despite the highly involved technical process by which he makes these evocative and sometimes mysterious images, in the end, it’s really all about what we are left with—the fuzzy and vaguely disorienting memories that comprise a life, any life. Saunders employs photography as a kind of skrim through which the world might be experienced, albeit on the artist’s own terms, which are not altogether without intensity.  The title of the show, “Neon In Daylight,” like the work itself, describes the strange and dissociative isolation of something that is oddly out of place, like most artists I suppose, constantly attempting to describe the inexplicable. 

 Eve Wood

Blum & Poe
Matt Saunders
Neon In Daylight
2727 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  90034
April 17 – May 24, 2014


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