Mary Weatherford at David Kordansky Gallery

by | May 15, 2014

Mary Weatherford 

Over Rose Hills, 2014

Over Rose Hills, 2014

Mary Weatherford’s first exhibition at David Kordansky finds its roots in the powerful gestural mark making of artists like Helen Frankenthaler and Joan Mitchell. These powerful large-scale paintings conflate the loose semi autonomic gestural technique of abstract expressionism with the contemporary conceptual rigor of more theoretically inspired sculpture. Weatherford investigates Los Angeles as a landscape of possibility, strangely feral and alien, a city of the beautifully dispossessed. Weatherford captures both the seductiveness and barrenness of Los Angeles, and these paintings operate as vivid impressions of a shifting, unreliable space that we are constantly attempting to control.  

Eve Wood

David Kordansky Gallery
Mary Weatherford
Los Angeles
3143 S. La Cienega Blvd. Unit A
Los Angeles, CA 90016
April 19 – May 31, 2014


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