Koi No Yokan II at 101 Exhibit

by | Jun 18, 2014

Koi No Yokan II

Tanya Batura, Untitled, 2014

Tanya Batura, Untitled, 2014

Imagine meeting someone, and knowing that you will one day fall madly in love with that person, and you have mastered the Japanese concept of Koi No Yokan. Love is not immediately activated, as in the American sense of “love at first sight,” but becomes a brooding and inevitable perception. 101 Exhibit gives us a group show of powerful symbolism by five women, each of whom translate the concept of future love in various terms—some more suggestively sinister than others. For example, Tanya Batura’s starkly meditative collective of bloodshot eyes demonstrates a deeply primal introspection that, like all great art, defies explanation. 

 –Eve Wood

101 Exhibit
Koi No Yokan II
6205 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90038
June 7 – July 26, 2014


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