John Mills At Rosamund Felsen Gallery

by | Jun 30, 2014

John Mills

Googlehorn, 2014

Googlehorn, 2014

John Mills’ recent exhibition at Rosamund Felsen Gallery is compositionally complex and visually challenging. As the title suggests, High On Signs represents the artist’s love affair with line and shape and more importantly perhaps, the iconographic references that these signs suggests. “Googlehorn” for example has an open-hearted dizziness about it that is at once electrifying the quietly demure as though the strangely cock-eyed line drawing were whispering for us to come closer. Mills hand is effortless and he achieves a gracefullness of line and purpose that is positively lovely.


 –Eve Wood

Rosamund Felsen Gallery
John Mills
High On Signs
2525 Michigan Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90404
June 7 – July 5, 2014


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