GALLERY ROUNDS: Luis De Jesus Los Angeles
Evita Tezeno; Laura Krifka; Nancy Evans

by | May 26, 2022

Three fine solo shows of paintings offer personal perspectives as unique as the artists who created them: Laura Krifka, Evita Tezeno, and Nancy Evans.

Krifka’s “Still Point,” is a beautiful tribute to light, the human body, and the human heart. With domestic settings framing lustrous images, her stunningly accomplished work pulls at the heart and reaches the soul. In Dawn, an infant looks out through slatted blinds at the coming day, as rosy and new as the child. Sink or Swim offers a look at a beautiful seascape through a kitchen window. A bowl of vivid oranges near the kitchen sink catches the eye before drawing it to the azure sea. In Containment, Krifka imparts the ache of barely contained longing.

Laura Krifka, “Dawn,” 2022, Oil on canvas; © Laura Krifa. Courtesy of the artist and Luis De Jesus Los Angeles.

Tezeno’s work is a delightful, vibrant mixed-media swirl of collage and acrylic. “My Life, My Story” is reminiscent of a quilt, a layered narrative of family life in which the textured mediums also convey the stories. The patterns and colors of Celebrate, Good Times are both cheerful and richly textile – as if the viewer were woven into a rich cornucopia of domesticity. Ain’t Got Nothin’ Else to Do But Work adds the dimensional aspect of collected buttons (her grandmother’s) to the image of a woman standing, garden implement in hand, a smattering of chickens behind her. Whether celebrating, working or singing—as in Play Me Some Toe Tapping Music, Tezeno invites us to enter the warm embrace of family and the magic of revisited memories.

Nancy Evans, Apple Moon, 2016, Acrylic on canvas; © Nancy Evans. Courtesy of the artist and Luis De Jesus Los Angeles.

Nancy Evans focuses on a celestial landscape rather than a human one in “Moonshadow.” Hauntingly lovely, the moon a soft white pearl, it is circled in a halo of deep rose in Apple Moon, reflecting on a luminous pool of water through leafy branches in Wisteria Moon, and opalescent among shadows and clouds in Moon Flash. These are the images of dreams, beautiful ones, magnetic as the pull of the moon on an open sea.

Together, all three shows are a powerhouse of personal wonder.


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