Watercolor for Beginners
This is a one day workshop for those who want to learn the basics of watercolor. It is aimed at the person who has wanted to paint for years and has no background in the medium. Will this class teach you everything you have ever wanted to know about watercolor? Not by a long shot! But it will make you very comfortable with the medium and will give you the skills needed to continue painting in the future.
Saturday September 9th 9am-3pm
Instructor: Judy Schroeder • Ages 16+ • Cost: $80 (+supply list)
To find out more about Judy, visit her website www.schroederstudio.com.
To register visit breagallery.com or call the Gallery at (714) 990-7731. For our refunds, cancellations, and photography policies, please visit our website.
City of Brea Art Gallery • Civic & Cultural Center • 1 Civic Center Circle • Brea, CA 92821 • (714) 990-7731 breagallery.com • breagallery@cityofbrea.net • Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @breagallery
Travel Watercolor Palette Suggestions: Cotman Compact Set with 14 half pans and travel brush OR Van Gogh Watercolor Pocket Box with 12 pan colors, a travel brush OR Cotman Field Plus Set with 12 half pans, a small brush, water bottle and cup OR Rembrandt Luxury Watercolor Pocket Box with 12 half pans and sable brush. You need palettes with a nice mixing area. If you buy a set please unwrap the paints before you come.
Brush: Size 10 or 12 round brush as the travel brushes are very small. The Simmons synthetic watercolor brushes, Richeson, or Loew Cornell are good. They should be supple and go to a good point when wet.
Paper: For this workshop bring a sketchbook with at least 90# paper or 11’x15” sheets. The best weight is #140 since the paper is thick enough to stay flat after wet washes are applied. Avoid the Strathmore tablet (bright yellow cover) because it has a very hard surface and is difficult to work with. Suggestions: Cheap Joe’s Warehouse (see below) has 140# 1/4 sheet sample pack (11”x15”) – 18 sheets of a variety of papers. Utrecht – Educators’ Watercolor Pad – 140# – 8.8”x11.8” pad with 15 sheets.
Other: plastic wide mouth container for water
12”x16” board for paper support – foamcore, plywood, or masonite. If you have the 1/4” foamcore, tape two sheets together to provide stability.
clips to hold the paper to the board – bulldog clips are good
pencil, eraser such as gum or kneaded, box of Kleenex – avoid the kind with aloe