The USC Hillel Art Gallery is proud to announce the exhibit “An Artist’s View of the World” featuring the work of Joel Schechter, Ph.D., Professor of Cell and Neurobiology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, curated by Emily Yin and Anne Marie Hromadka. The exhibit will be on display September 10 – December 3, 2017. An artist’s reception will take place at the USC Hillel Art Gallery on Sunday, September 10, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. All are welcome to attend.
An Artist’s View of the World will feature select colorful and abstract drawings from Joel Schechter’s bristol ink ‘Synagogue and Cathedrals’ series. This religious and architectural series depicts the dramatic soaring arches, beautiful windows, and mysterious shadows of synagogues and cathedrals around the world.
In Joel Schechter’s Buttered Toast ink series, Schechter expresses a world of violence and scary creatures whose darkness is interrupted by islands of tranquility. This series poses the questions, ‘How does each of us manage to live in a world filled with such chaos and madness?’ and ‘How does one achieve a sense of balance and tranquility?’
The USC Hillel Art Gallery’s mission is to provide Jewish students with opportunities to interact with Jewish art and engage with artistic experience and exploration. Additionally, the USC Hillel Art Gallery gives Jewish artists an opportunity to present their work in a Jewish space.
The USC Hillel Art Gallery will be open from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Thursday and Friday from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM starting September 11, 2017. The public is invited and the admission is free. The Art Gallery is located on 3300 South Hoover St, at the corner of Hoover and Jefferson.
Parking is not available on site, for reception parking please park at Hebrew Union College, one block north (3077 University Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007). For further information please contact Jordyn Walker, USC Hillel Development Associate, 213-973-1202.