The Outsiders from the Other Side is an exhibition by nine artists which proposes, based on an open theme, to show a little of the artistic production in Tijuana. The border between the United States and Tijuana is culturally linked, yet when we – on the Mexican side – cross through, it is called “going to the other side,” as if moving through the border is moving into another dimension. The U.S. is only a few hours away, but many aspects of experience and culture are strikingly distinct. Even so, we see the United States as a colony or a neighborhood – at once part of our city and at the same time another dimension. This is how we have grown up since we were little: going to the San Diego Zoo and Disneyland on school trips, visiting the galleries of Balboa Park, seeing the murals of Chicano art from the Logan neighborhood, or coming here to Los Angeles to buy clothes and items in the alleys near Track 16 to then resell in our city. These experiences have turned us into cross-border beings, which has influenced our artistic work, making it very different from the rest of the Mexico. We take the best or the worst of both cultures and reflect it in our work.
Artists: Acamonchi, Damariz Aispuro, Dada, Hermanos de la Torre, Toni Larios, Alfredo Libre Gutiérrez, Mariel Miranda, Alejandro Zacarías.