Title: TEN-Forward, A Fundraiser for the Future of ASG
Event Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2019
6:00 – 7:00pm VIP and Member Experience
7:00 – 8:00pm Art Party and Silent Auction
8:00-9:00pm Screening and Artist Performances
9:00pm Paddle Raise
Address: Z Space, 450 Florida St, San Francisco, CA 94110
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2151405101640846/
Ticket link: https://aggregatespacegallery.org/ten-forward/
San Francisco (July 2, 2019) TEN-Forward, A Fundraiser for the Future of ASG
ASG is facing a challenging moment in our history. We are facing displacement from our current location of 9 years due to rent hikes and other non-negotiable lease terms.
Our challenge comes a time where our growth has otherwise been momentous. Over the past few years, you’ve helped us grow from an artist-run space into a nationally funded non-profit with recognition and awards from renowned foundations such as the National Endowment for the Arts, Andy Warhol Foundation, and more.
Your help right now is critical fuel for our community’s future and we need your support during this pivotal moment. Our goal is to raise $100K for the transition within the next few months so ASG can have a bright future in the Bay Area as a vehicle for ground-breaking multimedia and experimental works in video and installation that spark challenging conversations and create new worlds of thought. We cannot do this without you!
About Aggregate Space Gallery
Aggregate Space Gallery is a non-profit exhibition and performance space in West Oakland making immersive conceptual art experiences accessible to our community.
ASG envisions an Oakland where artists can make and experience art in a safe space with access to production tools and hands-on guidance, creating work that fuels critical dialogue in a time when it is desperately needed. ASG is a charitable, artist-run exhibition and performance space in West Oakland that prioritizes the exhibition of artwork that generally can’t be seen elsewhere – our mantra is “Install the Unimaginable.”
Address: Zspace, 450 Florida St, San Francisco, CA 94110
Email: info@aggregatespacegallery.org
Website: www.aggreganatespacegallery.org
Foundational Support:
Aggregate Space Gallery programs are generously supported by National Endowment for the Arts, Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Neda Nobari Foundation, Creative Work Fund, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, Clorox Foundation, Awesome Foundation, and ArtNow International.