TAG Gallery: Don Adler, Carol Kleinman, & Shelley Lazarus
Oct 28
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

TAG Gallery
5458 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90036

5458 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90036

Tuesday, October 24th – Saturday, November 18th
Don Adler – Birth/Rebirth
Carol Kleinman- Reflections
Shelley Lazarus – Nouns

Opening Reception:
Saturday, October 28th, 5-8 p.m.

Artist Panel Discussion:
Saturday, November 18th, 3 p.m.

Don Adler – Birth/Rebirth

BIRTH has been described as an explosion of forces culminating in a scream followed by a feeling of joy and tranquility. The pastoral calm and realization of the magnificence of the process followed by growth and development constitutes REBIRTH. This equation of birth followed by rebirth is captured in Adler’s body of work. The passionate pallet of color and form reflects a deeper understanding of the birthing process developed from over 40 years of experience as a Fertility & Ob/Gyn physician.

This metaphorical analogy translates the creation of the earth 4.6 billion years ago when particles of solar dust and fiery gases exploded and fused to form our planet. It then took 10-20 million years to produce the geologic formations of the stone with which the artist has been working.

BIRTH-Extraction of stone
REBIRTH-Carving of stone to finished sculpture

One can say: this multiphasic process is “CARVED IN STONE”

Carol Kleinman- Reflections

TAG Gallery is proud to present “Reflections”, an exhibition of surreal photographs of reflections on windows by Carol Kleinman. This exhibition pushes beyond reality, transmuting the everyday and commonplace into visual fantasy. The multi-faceted reflections, captured in Paris, Amsterdam, Los Angeles and New York, range in tone from romantic to intense to whimsical.

Kleinman’s trademark single exposures of reflections are the result of a visual treasure hunt. “I’ll spot a reflection on a window, get captivated by its complexity, and, with a click of my shutter, and capture the image. Reflections seduce me by their symphony of layer upon layer of life… all of it culminating in the very personal moment when light, motion and planes of reality merge!”

The startling photographs in this exhibition are not composites. They are single, complex images that actually existed at a specific time and place. The viewer sees what the artist saw, creating an intimate bond between artist and viewer. Kleinman’s work is meant to help viewers perceive the many visual secrets reflected in the daily world around us.

Shelley Lazarus – Nouns

Artist Shelley Lazarus has always strived to have her paintings speak to their audience on their own merits, evoking different sensations and emotions to a wide array people as they are viewed. When working on a piece the artist tends to make up narratives about the day, different people, or her neighborhood.

Everything we see, do, or feel has a noun attached to it, so as other humans can identify with it or understand a particular thing or concept fully. Be it love, fear, risk, beauty, rapture, and so even in art, works are given titles to identify where or what the artist felt in order to assist viewers in engrossing themselves in paintings. This collection is Lazarus’ latest set of nouns.

As far back as Lazarus can remember, her left hand held some tool to make a mark with. However her true medium of choice has been watercolor ever since she found out all she needed were a small pad, travel size palette, water, and brushes to make her creations. Lazarus will find a bench, pull out her portable gear and get lost in the moment of creating. A non-purist about her work, Lazarus often includes all kinds of mediums, pencils, pens, and crayons while working on the infamous Yupa paper.

TAG Gallery
Established in 1993 as a not-for-profit corporation, TAG Gallery is a member-owned community of forty artists. Through the physical gallery in Miracle Mile as well as lectures from exhibiting and visiting artists, TAG Gallery has become a valuable resource for launching the careers of both emerging and mid-career artists based in the greater Los Angeles area. For more information about TAG Gallery, please visit www.taggallery.net.


TAG Gallery – www.taggallery.net
Rakeem Cunningham, (310) 829-9556, gallery@taggallery.net

5458 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90036


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