Join us for the Virtual Opening Reception on Thursday, January 30th, 2025, 6-7 pm online via Zoom, RSVP Below.
Top Prize Winners
First Place – Ema Lancaricova
Second Place – Jordan Star
Third Place – Patricia Sandler
Honorable Mentions
Jennifer Fox Armour, Alexa Frangos, Catherine Hawthorn, Epiphany Knedler, Ema Lancaricova, Roselyn Leibowitz, Michael McFadden, Joan Ruppert, Patricia Sandler, Michael Stenta, Angela Valeria, MG Vander Elst, Martina Zingg-Schir
Dino Rekanovic, Director of the Rotlicht Festival, Vienna
Disruption in photographic arts started long before artificial intelligence upended the contemporary visual landscape. Artists such as Hannah Höch, John Heartfield and Man Ray used collage in their work during the first decades of the twentieth century as a way to negotiate their own vision and shock their viewers, reflecting the world, its conflicted realities, and political dynamics by assembling, montaging and refracting images.
Bringing those ideas to the twenty-first century, Staring at the Cloud: Collage Between Analog and Digital considers the histories, present and future of photographic collages at this moment. Inspired by LACP’s home in Downtown LA, nestled between the Toy District and Little Tokyo, this exhibition is interested both in the tactile playfulness of manipulating images, and the ways in which the gestures of cutting and pasting highlight power relations in civic spaces and private lives.