Collaboratively curated by Ago Visconti,
Gozié Ojini, and Karina Lopez
Artists Performing:
Daria Black
David Blake
Osiris Seti Scott Booque Joey Cresce Nathan Olivera
Two nights of Performance Art and Music
Daniel T. Gaitor-Lomack
Rhys Langston
Leela Loisel
Chioma Ojini
Avila Santo
Ubiquitous Love Tribe
Ago Visconti
More ___ For The Masses is a not-for-profit, UCLA student run event that features multimedia artists from a myriad of backgrounds including POC and LGBTQ artists in Los Angeles. Our mission is to provide resources, representation, and a voice to artists in our collective.
Our event began as a one weekend show, however as our production grew, DTAtelier donated an exhibition extension of two weekends with public viewing during the week. Our final weekend will exhibit a set of performances, both musical and kinesthetic, that expand on our original mission of providing a voice to our artists.
The Board of Directors are all students from the UCLA School of Arts and Architecture, and artists in our collective are from Pratt University, CSU Long Beach, UC Berkeley, Pacific Northwest College of the Arts and Santa Monica College.
Our Mission
Social media allows us to tune into a universal stimulus via a like, a share, or a comment.
While responses to this stimulus might differ, we are all connected through the context of internet globalization. We have heard the deafening cries from our community, and what we heard is that, “we need more”. More resources, support, representation, and freedom, but we are always met with some sort of compromise.
We want to regain a sense of power over the decisions that happen in our world. To do so, we have to start with community building, and initiating discussion. One of the things we noticed happening in our community, is gentrification, and lack of financial support for sexual health.