Lenny Silverberg: Streets and Borders
Lenny Silverberg: Streets and Borders
June 8, 2024
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Track 16
1206 Maple Ave, #100, Los Angeles CA 90015

Track 16 Gallery is pleased to announce Streets and Borders, our first solo exhibition by Bronx-based artist Lenny Silverberg. His distinctive, carefully composed ink washes on paper often poetically, subversively, and emotionally address pressing political issues, human rights, and mental health.

The works in this show were completed over a ten-year period and depict displaced persons, whether migrating from elsewhere or unhoused in their own countries. Greyish silhouettes are bent over and burdened. They move across the stark white of the paper without any clear origin or destination. Figures are not identifiable by time period or ethnic group, reminding us of the perpetual nature of these issues.

1206 Maple Ave, #100, Los Angeles CA 90015

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