Scream Queen presents
“Kentucky Fried Pop-Up” for Maiden LA
September 1-20
Online exhibition on www.screamqueenpresents.com (Printable PDF)
Meat production has slowed during COVID-19 despite the continued usage of the fast food industry. In “Kentucky-Fried Pop-Up,” Scream Queen presents various artists who deal with the complexity of meat and poultry. The artwork can be viewed online, or reprinted and mounted on KFC franchises throughout Los Angeles. Viewers can tape the images on the outside or inside of a KFC. Alternatively, they can view them from home or on their phones while eating fast food. They are invited to share pictures of their kentucky-fried images with Scream Queen to also be posted online.
The artists range in photography, collage, painting, sculpture, and mixed media – but more importantly, some eat meat whereas others do not. Their belief in meat can be humorous, violent, sincere, or delicious. “Kentucky-Fried Pop-Up” is as temporary as a fast food order, but lingers with each bite.
Emiliano Aguirre
Nica Aquino
Megan Broughton
Evelyn Chavez
Jullianne De La Cruz
Chrysta Giffen
Jessica Hemingway
Yee Li
José Galván Martínez
Evan Moore
Christal Pérez
Michael Rippens
Joey Serricchio
Katie Shanks and Stephanie Sherwood (Meat Market)
Andrew K. Thompson
For more information on Maiden LA and other events, visit maiden.la