J. Demsky – Brad Howe: Off the Wall Opening Reception
November 30, 2017
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

GR Gallery
255 Bowery, New York NY 10002

What: GR Gallery is pleased to present “OFF THE WALL”, a double-solo exhibition by Brad Howe and J. Demsky. The exhibition puts together 20 works including paintings, sculptures and installations that analyze the interaction and contrast between 2D and 3D optical illusion.

When: Opening reception: Thursday November 30, 6:00pm – 9:00pm (Exhibition Dates: November 30 – February 10, 2018) Members of the press can contact GR Gallery in advance to schedule a private viewing and/or an interview with the artist.

Where: GR Gallery, 255 Bowery (between Houston & Stanton) New York, NY 10002

Who: Brad Howe (1959, Riverside, CA).  He started his career as a sculptor in Brazil, using stainless steel, aluminum and polyurethane. He credits sculptor Alexander Calder as an early influence in his work. Since then, he has exhibited in over eighteen countries worldwide and his works have been placed in collections in more than 32 countries, including Brazil, Mexico, France, Germany, South Korea and United States.
J. Demsky (1979, Elx, Spain). From the day he fell into the graffiti world in the early 90’s. Dems has not ceased in destroying and rebuilding the alphabet from every angle. Crossing the world, jumping between continents, seeking for a new dimension. Visually recognizable at first sight, his work captures the whole essence of Arcades and Sci-Fi saturated films, inspired by blue laser and red neon.

Why: “OFF THE WALL” aims to exhibit the artistic output of two internationally known talents that even if belong to different generations and work with different media share the same interest for patterns, geometric shapes and illusive effects. The exhibition title highlights how Demsky’s artworks, even if 2-D seems to stand out from the wall while Brad Howe’s delicate sculptures seem to enter inside the wall and melt with it.

255 Bowery, New York NY 10002


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