Inside Out Opening Reception
Inside Out Opening Reception
January 6, 2018
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Orange County Center for Contemporary Art
117 Sycamore St, Santa Ana Ca 92701

OCCCA has a multi-faceted, artistic identity. For the gallery-goer, the OCCCA experience is an antidote to ideology. The power of art is that it can change the world, one viewer at a time. In a fast-paced culture drowning in a torrent of images, art is an existentially authentic form of communication. OCCCA’s dedicated, hard-working members employ all contemporary media, including painting, sculpture, photography, assemblage, music, and installation, and when they exhibit together as a group, it’s one continuous party. To generate joy is perhaps art’s greatest power.

Participating artists:
Annie Clavel, Annabella Pritchard, Beverly Jacobs, Bill Hayner, Carolyn Yarnell, Del Ryder, Echo Lew, Evalynn Alu, Jeffrey Frisch, Jon Ng, Kebe Fox, Kurt Weston, Rich Bohn, Rob Mintz, Robin Repp, Stephen Anderson, Steve Roberts

117 Sycamore St, Santa Ana Ca 92701


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