how swift, how far
how swift, how far
Aug 18
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

341-B South Avenue 17, Los Angeles California 90031

how swift, how far
A group exhibition curated by Lawrence Gipe
Wonzimer Gallery
341-B S Avenue 17 Los Angeles 90031 / Opening: 5 pm-10 pm/ Friday, August 18th, 2023
Dates of Show: August 18th – September 20th, 2023
Exhibiting Artists:: Luciana Abait, Johnnie Chatman, Lawrence Gipe, Alexander Kritselis, Aline Mare, Liz Miller-Kovacs, Ryan McIntosh, Beth Davila Waldman, Daniel Tovar
“How swift, how far
the sea
carries a body from shore. Empires fail, species are lost, spotted frogs
and tufted puffins forsaken.”
Risa Denenberg, from “Ice Would Suffice”
how swift, how far is a group exhibition of 9 artists that engage environmentalism beyond the realm of “documentary” images, creating transformative and metaphorical works about the various ecologies we inhabit in media that includes painting, photography, sculpture and video. While issues like climate change are always in the forefront, this show seeks to acknowledge the multiple issues that our environmental woes as a society interconnect with: concepts of identity, class and other cultural resonances that are relevant in our current discourse. The artists in how swift, how far leave room for inexplicability and multiple meanings for the viewer, much like the title: taken from Risa Denenberg’s environmental poem “Ice Would Suffice”, it is enigmatic at first glance, but pointedly eco-oriented in context of the verse.

341-B South Avenue 17, Los Angeles California 90031


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