Hello Baby, Terroir, solo exhibition by Cherisse Gray at Murmurs Gallery
Hello Baby, Terroir, solo exhibition by Cherisse Gray at Murmurs Gallery
October 26, 2019
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Murmurs Gallery
1411 Newton Street, Los Angeles CA 90021

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The earl grey front desk is slightly too high for creased elbows. You are assigned a number and consecutively suck on three peppermint candies taken from a shallow dish. An exhausted woman will reroute you–– or outrightly dismiss the sharp edges of your desperate appeal. You nervously re-perform a one-way prayer that the shape they give you will fit. We don’t have a container for your specific fear. You settle for a placeholder, an extension, a renewal. It does not satiate, but nonetheless, is a comfortable shell.

Empathy, in this case, is just a formal coincidence.

Municipal systems are typically established to clarify services and direct demands toward a governing structure with more absolute authority. The architecture’s patina assures you with the badge of a master it has never actually met; these degrees of separation leave you at the end of a dreadful queue.

Murmurs is pleased to present Hello Baby, Terroir, the first solo exhibition by Cherisse Gray. Hello Baby, Terroir is a site-specific installation featuring wall works, freestanding sculptures, and a large-scale architectural structure that sustains and houses symbolic ephemera. Cherisse Gray (b.1990, Manila, Philippines) is an interdisciplinary artist living and working in Los Angeles. She is a current MFA Sculpture candidate at UCLA and received her BA in Sculpture & Linguistics from Virginia Commonwealth University. Her work has been recently shown at Kate’s Little Angel (Los Angeles), New Cinema Club (New York), The Power Station (Dallas), and Hideout_FM (Los Angeles).


1411 Newton Street, Los Angeles CA 90021


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