Find An Offline Shelter by Grip Face and Miju Lee
Find An Offline Shelter by Grip Face and Miju Lee
May 12, 2023
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Galerie Joseph
7, Rue Froissart, Paris France

Find an offline shelter presents a set of new creations at Galerie Joseph, results of a residency in Majorca during which Grip Face (Spain, 1982) and Miju Lee (South Corea, 1982) collaborated for the first time. Paradoxically, it is in this haven of tranquillity, sun and solitude that the two artists bonded over their questions about the visual saturation of our daily lives. This period of emotional and physical residency was an opportunity to learn from each other and create together. Find an offline shelter will be on show in Paris Joseph Gallery (7, rue Froissart) from 12 May until 20 May.

Thus, Grip Face and Miju Lee create unique work that is both manual and digital: they go from painting to image, which they redraw by computer, and vice versa. Proceeding by addition, the duo produces large-scale works. The layers accumulate and reveal a profusion of stories.

Supported by the Colección SOLO (Madrid) and La BIBI gallery (Palma de Mallorca), the exhibition reveals the intellectual, human and cultural encounter of these two artists with shared interests.

7, Rue Froissart, Paris France


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