Fifth Annual Coaster Show and Harold Fox “So Long and Thanks for all the Fish”
Fifth Annual Coaster Show and Harold Fox "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish"
September 1, 2017
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm

La Luz de Jesus Gallery
4633 Hollywood Blvd,, Hollywood CA 90027

The Fifth Annual Coaster Show
& Harold Fox “So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish”

September 1 – October 1, 2017
Opening Reception: Friday, Sept. 1st, 8-11 PM
Closing Party: Sunday, Oct. 1st noon-six PM

La Luz de Jesus Gallery
4633 Hollywood Blvd,

Los Angeles, CA 90027

The Fifth Annual Coaster Show 2017

It’s the Wooden Anniversary of the La Luz de Jesus Coaster Show. What started as a last minute substitution has grown into one of the most anticipated events of the LA Art Scene, now in its fifth year! We’ve all done it. We’ve sat at the bar, drinking a beer and doodled on a coaster. But most of us aren’t the extremely skilled painters, illustrators, animators, tattooists, sculptors or collage artists that are featured in this exhibition that takes a love of craft brewing and elevates it to high art. We produced a custom canvas for some of our favorite gallery folks to do what they do best, and transform a 4? tondo coaster into museum worthy exhibition pieces. In the past four exhibitions we’ve had pieces by bona-fide “art stars”, given first exhibitions to hundreds of emerging artists and turned a few dozen newcomers into bonafide stars. This year, we’ll again dot our walls with over 1000 tiny masterpieces priced $250 or less!

Harold Fox – So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

The pictures I have made try to represent, to some extent, everyone’s experiences in perhaps a surreal or a fantasy form. An ambiance or deja vu familiarity maybe from a dream, or a nightmare and even a reality that exists somewhere. It is the negative experience that is most enduring, at least for me…like sitting down to enjoy your favorite pie only to discover a dead fly on it. I hope the viewer enjoys each piece as much as I did creating it. This will be my last art exhibition in Southern California. — Harold Fox

Harold Fox has enjoyed unprecedented success in his retirement. Each of his previous exhibitions has completely sold out, and so we are sad to announce that this will be his last exhibition in Los Angeles. If you’ve been waiting to add one of his vivid reminiscences of a bygone era to your own art collection, now is the time to do it. If Charles Bukowski used paintbrushes instead of a typewriter, the outcome might look something like this. But there’s also a bit of Steinbeck and Hemingway and a whole lot of Nightmare Alley. Like a skid row Robert Williams, or a sideshow Frank Cassara, Fox’s work is both cartooned, but realistic, with the types of surrealist flourishes that would make Dali proud. Fox’s is a dark, shadowy world of second rate carnivals, low rent flophouses and dustbowl trailer parks filled with ornery hustlers, scheming grifters, and Machiavellian femmes fatales, as witnessed by a support cast of affable hobos and menacing clowns.

4633 Hollywood Blvd,, Hollywood CA 90027


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