Even In Darkness: Film Screening On The San Francisco Night Ministry
Even In Darkness: Film Screening On The San Francisco Night Ministry
November 30, 2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Tenderloin Museum
398 Eddy Street, San Francisco Ca 94102

The Tenderloin Museum presents its debut screening of Even In Darkness (2016), a new documentary by James Hosking (Beautiful By Night) that follows the city’s Night Minister, Rev. Lyle Beckman, as he walks the streets of the Tenderloin providing emotional support at a time when many need it the most: 10PM-4AM. The film will be screened alongside Shepherd of the Streets (1966), a KRON-TV Assignment Four report that offers a rare look at the pioneering work of San Francisco’s first Night Minister, Rev. Donald E. Stuart. James Hosking will be present for a panel discussion along with Rev. Beckman, former Night Minister Rev. Don Fox, and other community leaders.

Made 50 years apart, these documentaries profile the vital work and legacy of the San Francisco Night Ministry through intimate portraits of the Tenderloin in its darkest hours. Founded in 1964, the Night Ministry provides crisis intervention, counseling, and face-to-face conversations from 10PM to 4AM, the time when crises are most acute and social services scarce. It’s a ministry of presence that measures its activity in number of meaningful conversations and prides itself on never having missed a night vigil since its inception. The Night Minister’s role is literally to walk the streets, be a physical lifeline for the community, and listen with sincerity and compassion. Lyle Beckman is only the fourth man to hold the title, and his encounters with addicts, sex workers, and the homeless illustrate his aim to comfort rather than convert. Even In Darkness follows Beckman on his nightly rounds and explores questions of faith, the changing face of a city, and the power of empathy. It gives witness to intimate interactions and a side of the city few ever see.

Co-produced with the Tenderloin Museum, Even In Darkness received funding from the Neighborhood Arts Collaborative/San Francisco Grants for the Arts. The film premiered at the 20th Annual United Nations Associations Film Festival in October of this year. Hosking is a long-time collaborator of the Museum, and his 2015 film about three drag performers at Aunt Charlie’s Lounge, Beautiful By Night, sold out screenings at both the Tenderloin Museum and San Francisco’s Roxie Theater.

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/even-in-darkness-the-san-francisco-night-ministry-tickets-39669135452

Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/148049269259547/


James Hosking (Director, Editor, Producer) is a San Francisco-based photographer and filmmaker. His work has appeared in The Washington Post, Mother Jones, The California Sunday Magazine, San Francisco magazine, and many other publications. He created a photo series documenting drag performers at Aunt Charlie’s Lounge, a Tenderloin dive bar, which was also developed into the award-winning documentary film Beautiful by Night.

Reverend Lyle Beckman is the Director of the San Francisco Night Ministry. He was hired as Assistant Night Minister in 2004 and took over leadership of the organization when Don Fox, the city’s third Night Minister, retired in 2007. Each day Beckman works with seminarians, field workers, and crisis line counselors. He also walks the streets himself – rain or shine.

About the Museum:

Tenderloin Museum celebrates the rich history of one of San Francisco’s most overlooked neighborhoods. Through history exhibitions, resident-led walking tours, community programs, and the presentation of original artwork, the Tenderloin Museum invites all comers to learn about the roots of our dynamic neighborhood, and reclaim our city’s past and future. The 31 blocks of the Tenderloin District are a microcosm of San Francisco, peopled by immigrants and iconoclasts, artists and activists, sinners and saints. All are welcome to join us in telling its story. www.tenderloinmuseum.org

398 Eddy Street, San Francisco Ca 94102


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