DOCTOR VON: Autopoesis: Text, Image, Machine
DOCTOR VON: Autopoesis: Text, Image, Machine
December 2, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

6817 Melrose Ave , Los Angeles CA 90038

Doctor Von invented the method of Autopoesis™ decades ago by conjoining psychoanalysis and medicine to literature and art, and has since then practiced it in all of those fields respectively. “Autopoesis” creates the bridge from “autopoietic” self-organizing biological and AI machines to self-conscious and self-creating intelligent machines, thus offering the possibility of an advanced Turing test for strong AI as well as a method of subjectivization, healing, and evolution for humans in a world in which they are increasingly impossible to distinguish from objects.

The current show “Autopoeis: Text, Image, Machine” presents several dimensions of this practice including paintings, performance, and a newly developed machine to present a four-volume four-dimensional text that preceded and predicted the internet and social media. This “Hyperbook” was conceived and created in the 80s and 90s and remained hidden for decades until the machinery and content was ready for the public. Abstract painting, concrete poetry, avant garde music, auto-fictional narrative, institutional intervention, spiritual activism, auto-didacticism, and para-academia intertwine in this integral work of chaos and complexity.

The opening of the show will demonstrate this method and event for the future of humanity. A closing show will signal the release of the four volume hyperbook as well as the machinic app to the public.

Doctor Von has researched, practiced, and taught as a psychoanalyst, physician, poet, and artist for the past four decades. His overall artistic practice engages in “institutional in(ter)vention.”

6817 Melrose Ave , Los Angeles CA 90038


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