Bride of Monster
Bride of Monster
Oct 5
12:00 am - 5:00 pm

Creativity Explored
3245 Sixteenth Street, San Francisco CA 94103

Creativity Explored, a San Francisco center for artists with developmental disabilities, is pleased to present Bride of Monster, a small-group exhibition featuring wild and woolly new interpretations of female monsters from film, folklore, and mythology.

Creativity Explored 2 Studio Manager E. Francis Kohler curated this exhibition, which he hopes will provoke thought about the historical relationship between representations of monsters and people with disabilities. Bride of Monster is a long-coming third installment of the 2003 exhibition, Monster, and two years later, Revenge of Monster. “It’s been 12 years, and I thought it might be kind of fun to revisit monsters and disability – this time, complicating the theme by adding the layer of women, another group that has been historically oppressed.”

With works ranging from a series of repurposed mannequinn heads to bold, graphic renderings of yōkai from Japanese folklore, Bride of Monster is a must-see this October.

Featured artists include Christina Marie Fong, Thomas Pringle, Yukari Sakura, Gerald Wiggins, and Richard Wright.

3245 Sixteenth Street, San Francisco CA 94103


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