Inudstry Gallery is pleased to announce Balanced Conversations, a solo exhibition by Tobias Klein.
In the history of applied arts, the interplay between new manufacturing techniques, and the use of novel materials has led to new applications, media and artistic expressions. The Craftsman was able to combine all aspects of design in applying the ability to construct space through image, object and assemblage of both. The inclusion of techne and poiesis – the technological as well as the artistic dimension of such interplay of elements enabled the creation of total works of Art – Gesamtkunstwerk. In this exhibition, the artist tries to reflect on two aspects of space design and creates a construction between art and science. These reflections and refraction allow an in depth view into the two most dominant artistic agendas of the works of Tobias Klein.
Learn more at: https://www.industrygallery.net/exhibitions/2017/10/5/tobias-klein-balanced-conversations-opening-reception