Following a 1pm lecture on Africanprint textiles by Historian Stephan Miescher, stay on for an afternoon of programs co-presented with Ankara Festivals.
From 12-5 Enjoy African fashion POP-UP SHOPS with local vendors selling clothing, jewelry, and accessories in bold colorful prints and hands-on ARTMAKING for all ages!
At 2pm, curator Betsy Quick leads an EXHIBITION TOUR touching on issues of taste, globalization, and style. Free and open to all.
At 3pm, head outside to our shady amphitheater for LIVE CONCERT with Drama Free, an Afro-soul band performing reggae and old school R&B.
Parking available in UCLA Lot 4
221 Westwood Plaza directly off Sunset Blvd | $12/day
Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/833049280184870/?acontext={%22source%22:5,%22page_id_source%22:80305275655,%22action_history%22:[{%22surface%22:%22page%22,%22mechanism%22:%22main_list%22,%22extra_data%22:%22{%22page_id%22:80305275655,%22tour_id%22:null}%22}],%22has_source%22:true}