Daniel Joseph Martinez

at Roberts & Tilton

Daniel Joseph Martinez, If I Wanted To, 2013
Daniel Joseph Martinez,
If I Wanted To, 2013

Daniel Joseph Martinez has gone mad, once again—beautifully and seemingly irrevocably insane. And yet, as Shakespeare himself once proclaimed “to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to; tis’ a consummation devoutly to be wished.” We are all susceptible to tragedy and like Hamlet, Martinez continues to mine, with rigorous intent and imagination, the landscape of human suffering in a series of four discreet narratives based upon Michel Foucault’s notions of Narrenshiff (ship of fools). All of us at some point MUST and WILL drift out to sea, and Martinez posits the experience of being alive and curious in today’s day and age as a continual journey, sea-bound or otherwise. 

Eve Wood

Roberts & Tilton
Daniel Joseph Martinez 
The report of my death is an exaggeration; Memoirs: Of Becoming Narrenschiff
5801 Washington Boulevard 
Culver City, California 90232.
Jan 11 – March 8, 2014