Editor’s Letter

Editor’s Letter

Not so long ago on a return flight to LA, I was sitting next to a young Boston couple who had never been to the West Coast before. I asked them what the first thing they wanted to do was when they landed. They said they wanted to eat at Del Taco. I tried to hide my...

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Editor’s Letter

Editor’s Letter

Dear Readers, In this issue of Artillery we’re featuring three stories on film. To tell you the truth, it wasn’t planned that way, but things just fell into place. Oddly enough, the three filmmakers represent a microcosm of hierarchical filmmaking. From acclaimed...

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Editor’s Letter

Editor’s Letter

Dear Readers, I’m sitting in a media booth at an art fair on a sweltering late August afternoon writing this editor’s letter. It’s not working because I keep getting interrupted, but there’s air conditioning, so I’m not complaining. Even though fair-goers tend to have...

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Editor’s Letter

Editor’s Letter

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ARTILLERY! 5 YEARS OLD! ANNIVERSARIES MARK cycles, patterns, reasons to keep going. If you make it one year, you might as well go another. All of a sudden, it's five years. Now you're committed. I could apply that logic to quitting smoking (which I...

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