The sculptures in Dozie Kanu’s first solo exhibition in Los Angeles flirt with functionality but refuse to reveal a clear purpose. Instead, these stylish hybrids possess the elegance of aspirational interior design and the subtle menace of dystopian relics. Many of...
Peter Brock
Dozie Kanu’s “to prop and ignore”
OUTSIDE LA: Tim Simonds Cathouse Proper, New York
Tim Simonds explores the whimsical and political dimensions of pedagogy in his sparse installation of sculptures and drawings at Cathouse Proper. With large trays of bleached-out collard greens on top of semicircular children’s tables, the main room of the gallery...
Hamishi Farah Chateau Shatto
Portraiture is almost certainly the artistic genre in which power and privilege imprint themselves most legibly. To "represent" can mean to depict, but also the right to speak on behalf of a group. The tension between these two meanings is at the heart of Hamishi...