Top 3 beers?
Okay, without a doubt—Guinness. And because I’m in LA, I’m going to say Pacifico. And a can of Stella.
Top 3 songs?
Dirty Old Town by the Pogues. Sara by Bob Dylan. Chelsea Hotel #2 by Leonard Cohen.

Courtesy of the artist.
Top 3 dead painters?
Alfred Wallis. Vincent, of course. Norman Hines.
How do you like your eggs?
I like them (two or three free-range chicken eggs) boiled for six minutes, peeled, rolled in sea salt and black pepper. This is good.

Courtesy of the artist.
Give us an art world horror story?
Young painter attempts self-portrait, however, upon completion realises he has only painted his father, again.
What is the most beautiful thing in the world?
To be carried away with someone.